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03 enero 2012

A simple device for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners.

   Autor:          Kelly D Chung; Robert C Watzke
Am J Ophthalmol. 2004 Sep;138(3):501-2
 PURPOSE:Ophthalmoscopy, a valuable skill for primary care practitioners, can be challenging to learn. A simple and inexpensive device for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners is described.

DESIGN:Device description.

METHODS:Cylindrical plastic canisters were altered to have an artificial pupil at one end and a replaceable fundus photograph at the other end to simulate the mechanics of performing direct ophthalmoscopy on a real eye. These were tested for ease of use by primary care students.

RESULTS:The devices to aid in teaching ophthalmoscopy proved to be simple and inexpensive to construct. They allowed students to practice direct ophthalmoscopy technique and identification of funduscopic abnormalities.

CONCLUSION:This simple device for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners is inexpensive to create and is a valuable aid for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners.

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